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Ford Orion 1989This was actually my father´s car, which I had the *pleasure* to fix. In addition to the countless rustspots, it also needed a new front wheel bearing, exhaust pipe, windscreen washer and clutch assembly. Did I mention that during the reparations I noted that the left rear brake which should automatically adjust itself did not indeed adjust itself since the previous owner had welded the system. The final nail to this mobile coffin came when I took it home for further repair after the inspection. The inspector had found some additional rustholes near the rear wheel which required welding. While driving the car to Virkkala I noted that the clutch no more worked, changing gears was a matter of hotswitching with the appropriate rev. I finally got home and had jacked up the the rear and was about to cut away the rust when I noticed a large wet spot under the gasoline tank. I had earlier filled the tank to about 1/2 and apparently the tank leaked. Pissed at this heap of crap I noted my father that I would no more touch this piece of crap. |
Copyright (c) Paul-Erik Törrönen unless explicitly mentioned otherwise